Thursday, October 25, 2012

40 Before 40

On a blog I read somewhere during the past couple of days, the author had a list of 30 things she wanted to do before she turned 30.

(For the life of me, I can't find the blog again! Frustrating. So if this is your blog, or if you know of this blog, please leave me a comment so I can link back and give credit where credit is due).

I loved the idea. It is not my good fortune to still be under 30, but since I am 37, I figured maybe I could tweak it for myself and make a list of 40 before 40. A bucket list, of sorts.  It will give me something concrete to work on.

Take some of these ideas! Make a list of your own. Bigger, smaller, whatever! You could make it a 13 in 2013, or come up with something. Even if it's just a list of things you want to do, there is no rule that says it has to be catchy.

This list is personal to me, so feel free to take it like it is, or tweak it to your liking. Here are 40 things I want to do before I turn 40.

1.Take the stairs to the top of a tall building (rather than the elevator)
2. Hike Mount Rainier
3. Lose 40 Pounds (in 2.5 years? I'd better!)
4. Buy a Bike
5. Try Yoga
6. Complete the Couch to 5K
7. Do my step workout with 2 sets of risers
8. Go Lap Swimming
9. Take a Water Aerobics Class
10. Try Spin Class Again
11. Complete a 10 Mile Walk
12. Do 100,000 crunches (cumulative)
13. Play Soccer
14. Run 1/2 mile (no walking)
15. Run 1 mile (no walking)
16. Run a 5K (no walking)
17. Do 100 pushups in 2 minutes (just guessing here, I have no idea how easy or hard it will be, so I might tweak this one).
18. Get my bodybugg up and running again
19. Complete 10 Pull Up. You laugh. I don't think I've ever done one before! Maybe I'll be able to work into more, but right now I'll be thrilled if I can even do 10!
20. Find a new cardio DVD to throw into the rotation.
21. Work green juicing into my regular diet.
22. Go camping with my family
23. Make homemade noodles (never done that!)
24. Start sprouting wheat
25. Make a recipe with tofu and actually eat it
26. Have a Harry Potter marathon and do the Harry Potter workout on pinterest
27. Try a new vegetable
28. Try a new fruit
30. Grow a vegetable--can't do a whole garden, but maybe a few pots indoors?
31.  Climb a tree
32. Actually dress up really nice for a date with my man
33. Take my kids roller skating (I know their dad will never go, ha ha!)
34. Eat raw for 3 days
35. Can. As in, seal up fruits or vegetables or SOMETHING into canning jars.
36. Go sugar free for one month.
37. Get a passport
38. Do something ridiculously outside my current comfort zone.
39. Jump Rope
40. Try one more time to like avocado. (LOL! I'm serious, though).

Anybody else out there going to make a list? I'd love to read what you come up with!


  1. I LOVE this idea!! And am totally going to make a list; I will post my list once I'm done. :)

  2. We are headed overseas and just bought this bike to be our second car in Europe. It is amazing! And you can get your passport to come visit your old Arizona friends in Italy! Love, Ariel
