Monday, January 16, 2012

The First Day of the Rest of My Life

I spent the weekend reading the Biggest Loser books I have. I read the whole Biggest Loser book, and then got about half way through the 30 day jump start book.

I had to ditch the hcg, because this time I just did not stick to the protocol at all. In the past it has always been super super easy for me, but this time, I don't know. I just couldn't do it anymore, and I cheated a lot the last week. I didn't necessarily go crazy, but the diet is pretty strict as far as which foods you can eat--and it's not a long list at all. Anyway, Friday I got pretty dizzy and all kinds of crazy stuff. So bad that I went to bed with dishes in the sink, and if you know me, you know that had to be pretty bad. Anyway, I wonder if it was because I was taking hcg but not eating the diet they say to eat.

This last round of hcg did save me from a lot of badness over the last 3 weeks, I'm positive about that. You should have seen the crap that came into my house when all my family was here! Geez. But now that's over, and I just want to get into the whole realistic lifestyle thing, with the good diet and plenty of exercise--and not so strict. I mean, if I want peanut butter, I want it. There is a lot of really healthy food that I just really like! Steamed broccoli, here I come. =)

Anyway I read the Biggest Loser books and I love them. I love the plan. The thing I really love about the Biggest Loser plan is that it is realistic. The Biggest Loser is all about losing weight through proper diet and exercise, without any gimmick or fads or anything like that. Yes, on the show people lose ridiculous amounts of weight and exercise way more than what is realistic. That is what the show is about, it's a competition. And while it is not realistic, it is not unsafe. The plan for real life is not designed to pull big numbers like that, they are not selling some crazy thing. It is designed to lose a maximum of 2 pounds a week. And I just really like the diet and the exercise plan.

I like the diet because just like weight watchers, there is no food that you are not allowed to have. Well, they do say to stick to whole foods and ditch the processed stuff and the white flour type products. It's been a long time since I've looked into the weight watchers thing, but I don't remember them teaching how bad those enriched flours are. White bread, white flour tortillas, white rice, white potatoes...I like that the Biggest Loser promotes the whole grains.

At any rate, I am very happy with the plan. Today I started the 30 day jump start plan. It's been a while since I exercised, so it'll be good to get back into it. I will be doing my thing rather than theirs, because they start you out with only 20 minutes of cardio (walking) and 10 or so minutes of strength training. I will do my 45 minutes of step aerobics, etc., because I'm not that out of practice.

Today is also the first day I am using the bodybugg website to really input all my food and calories and all that, so that I can keep track of the deficit. Basically, you want to burn 500 more a day than you eat for every pound you want to lose that week. So I'm shooting to burn 1000 more than I eat. According to the Biggest Loser plan, for my weight I should be eating 1330 calories a day. This will go down as my weight goes down. (The formula is your body weight x 7).  FUN FACT: For every pound you lose, you burn about 10 calories less per day. So for every 10 pounds you lose 100 less. This is why you have to continually adjust your calories in and work harder to get calories out. (I seriously wouldn't mind a weighted vest I could wear all day! LOL).  Anyway, so I will shoot to burn 2330 a day. If I try for 2 pounds a week, I should have enough time to reach my goal of 130 by the end of the year--including the off times that will come up, as well as the inevitable the-closer-you-get-to-goal-the-harder-it-is-to-lose thing.

So here we go!

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