Here is what I believe to be the best plan (for me) as far as food goes. It has worked wonders for me whenever I have been faithful to it. It's simple: a balanced diet of 1200 calories a day.
What do I mean by "balanced"? Well, I've always thought it was kind of a joke that people will count their calories and try to stick to a set number, without worrying too much about how balanced they are. So if you eat 1200 calories of donuts each day and nothing else, you're good because you didn't go over your allotted calories. I just don't like that. I like balanced. I know this isn't consistent with the food guide pyramid, or whatever it is they use these days. But for me, balance is 2 servings from each food group (dairy optional). Two fruits, two vegetables (no more than one cup cooked, no less than 2 cups raw--meaning if you had 6 cups of raw salad, you're good). Two grains (whole grains are good, sprouted grains are a million times better), two protiens. No more than a teaspoon of fat (or something like that), and it should be plant based, like in nuts, olives or avocados.
For the past 3 days (and today, until I screwed it up by eating cookies) I have eaten plant based, in preparation for the juice fast starting tomorrow. I have carefully planned my menu, and have stayed right about 1200 calories. It's been plenty to eat, I've enjoyed what I've eaten, and I've felt great.
So when I go off the juice fast, and back to plant based, I will journal and count calories, eating my two servings a day from each group.
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