Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Still No Gaggers

The juicing is going great. I am still like a kid on Christmas morning, having a lot of fun watching that machine turn whole vegetables and fruit into juice in nothing flat. It's awesome. I still had a day of great juice recipes. The last one had a half a head of cabbage in it, and I'm not sure how much I liked that one. Toward the end I did sort of feel like I was forcing it down. But I liked it okay enough to mark it as a keeper, just not one to have overly often. Still! It's great that I haven't had a gagger yet.

I do admit, though, I'm starting to miss food. Well--I started to miss food when I read a few 2010 posts from Skinny Hollie's blog, where she was journaling her daily food intake. When I got away from that blog for a while, I was good again. The juice is not bad. I have not been hungry. I guess I need to just stay away from reading all about what other people are eating, because even if it's good healthy food, let's face it. I don't even get to chew anything for a couple of weeks. So yeah. But no boo-hooing, it's totally my choice and I'm still convinced it's what I want to do.

I can't deny though, that I think a piece of bread with some all natural peanut butter spread on it sounds like absolute heaven right now. =)

There we go for another day. (And I'm still excited to see what the scale will say tomorrow morning!)

1 comment:

  1. I do read your posts, just wanted you to know that. I'm hoping to pull from your energy and motivation as I need to start my journey but lack the motivation.
