Is being sadly neglected! I wanted to start this blog because I don't want to go on and on about dieting/juicing/healthy living on that blog when most people may get tired of that kind of stuff real fast. Today I was thinking I should put up another post over there, but the truth is, all that's really on my mind right now is juicing. Other than that it's the same old stuff. My brain hasn't emerged from the health stuff enough to have too many thoughts on other things.
To tell you the truth, I've been reading Skinny Hollie's blog like a good novel that's way too hard to put down. I'm almost done though, less than a year left to read! I don't know why I felt compelled to read her entire blog from the beginning, but I did. And I'm glad I did. It's a good one. She's a real person, she faces her issues, she is honest. She falls flat on her face and picks herself back up again. She has reasons for what happens, but doesn't turn them into excuses. I can't wait to finish reading so I can leave her a comment or shoot her an email and just tell her I think she's awesome. She's had quite a journey!
OK. So I expected to have a few headaches, or feel like crud or something today. But I didn't. Maybe I will tomorrow. Because you know, that's all part of cleaning out your body. But the truth is, maybe I won't feel bad like that at all. Like I said yesterday, I really don't have sugar in my system, I haven't had caffeine in who knows how long. Months and months and months. I've been eating super good on HCG, so I guess my body is not going through any kind of withdrawl. (Is there a withdrawl for chewing? Because I haven't actually chewed anything for 3 days. LOL).
Seriously though. Today I went out and went produce shopping. Juicing is not cheap, my friends. But for me, it has to be. I am completely out of money, and I mean it. I am absolutely determined to not have a dime to pay on the credit card when payday comes around. October has been extremely hard. I bought a few big ticket items, at kind of a serious sacrifice to the budget. Plus I had over $800 on the credit card from September (?????) that I had to pay. (I have this pay it to zero every month rule going on, see, and I'm super super strict about it). So I paid that, and I made the last (WOOOHOOOO) payment to my student loan, and I cut our grocery bill in half, and I had a yard sale, and I even sold 15 dozen chocolate dipped oreos, all so I could scrape up enough money to buy my juicer and my Silhouette.
So yeah, here I am in the middle of the month, and I'm trying to afford to buy massive amounts of organic produce. Well. Let me just say that buying it at Save Mart probably isn't the best idea. $$$. The first three days of juicing cost me $40. And it wasn't all organic, I had to settle for buying what organics they had and then just dealing with it for the other stuff. I'm really all pro-organic though, because juicing gives you all the nutrients in a super consentrated form. And while that's good for you, if you are not using organic you are also getting the pesticides in super consentrated form. BAD BAD BAD. Anyway, I have to do the best I can, and I have to be able to afford it. So I am not 100% organic.
Back to today--I went with my mom to the farmer's market at the fair grounds and got some really good deals. Then over to Winco and Costco for the rest, and I'm stocked up for the next week. But my poor kids...I spent all the rest of the grocery money on myself! Don't worry though, between the big freezer and the pantry and my big ol' 45 pound bucket of wheat, they have plenty to eat. It's just not their favorites all the time. (And dang it, it's good for them to eat what's already here!)
So far so good. Today I added some cilantro to my juice at lunch, and it was fabulous. It tasted like salsa and I could pretend like I just finished eating a bowl of chips and salsa. Hee hee. I love cilantro.
I'll be honest with you. (Again). Juicing takes some getting used to. Definitely an acquired taste. But I have been so pleased thus far with how pleasant they've been to drink. I guess if you go into it just knowing that it's going to be awful awful awful, you're pleasantly surprised when it's just not as bad as you thought it would be.
Still not hungry.
Today's weigh in: 192. (That is the lowest weight I've had so far without a morning workout). Woohoo! Onward and upward.
Oh yeah...tonight I did some zumba and kick boxing at the youth activity. It was actually really fun. It didn't feel like it took much effort, but I worked up a serious sweat! I was surprised. My back pain was there, but not too bad. But now it's killing me. I guess I'm really not ready to put it through workouts yet. Dang it!!!
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