Yesterday I was thinking my back was fine enough to get back to working out. So I got my stuff all ready last night and set my alarm for 5:00 am.
And then this morning I hit snooze a few times until I just turned the darn thing off and went back to sleep until 6:30. Dang it! It's not the exercising that is hard. It's the getting out of bed so early! If I could get up at 7 and exercise, I'd be totally in business. But if I don't get up at 5, it's over. I just can't do it with three little kids. And I can't just go for a walk later, because that involves either taking 2 strollers (which I can't do) or taking one stroller and walking at a 4 year old's pace. A 4 year old who likes to stop and look at every little thing, that is. So it's pointless.
I just have to get up. I was doing quite well with it, in my groove and all that, until my back got messed up. Last week I only worked out twice, and this week...well, I didn't start off so well! But now that I've said it outloud here on the blog, maybe it will be extra incentive for me to get up in the morning.
Here's the key: I have to hit the alarm and jump out of bed before I have time to actually think about it. That's all. Just get up and do it. And hey, I always weigh less after I work out than before, so that should be incentive. But sometimes it's just not enough.
At any rate, hopefully tomorrow I'll get back on track and do my hour. I've still been doing great with my water--but lately it seems to be only 5 water bottles a day instead of 6. Somehow I just feel like I'm drinking, drinking, drinking all the live long day. I don't really mind though, because I think that with drinking the juice, not drinking that 6th water bottle really isn't too big a deal.
Another pound down today, 185. I wonder if I'll have any more 2 pound days. I wonder if I can get at least 1 pound a day for the rest of my fast. Even if I don't, it's okay. But I'd REALLY love to make it to the 170s, down far enough that when I get off the juice and back onto the solids, I won't have to fear hitting the 80s. I know I'll probably gain back a pound or two as my body adjusts to the change. So it would be really great if I could finish out the fast at 177. Max. 175 would, of course, be better. But you know what? Whatever. It's unpredictable. I have no idea what to expect. Even if I come out of this at 183, that would still be a 10 pound loss in 2 weeks. Not too shabby, right? Still, I'm really shooting for that 177. And I've pretty much decided to go through November 1 instead of finishing up on Oct. 30. However, if, by some miracle, I hit 175 on the 31st, I'm pretty sure I'll go ahead and stop, and sink my teeth into that salad I've been craving for over a week now. =)
Thanks for commenting on my blog and telling me that I'm awesome--- you will now be my friend forever LOL
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the weight loss!