Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Choose Life!

Exercise. It's what breathes life into each and every one of us. There is just something so exhilarating about finishing a killer workout, strength training or on a cardio machine, or whatever your exercising pleasure, sweat dripping off your face. Nothing compares to that feeling of being so alive, so healthy.

Exercise is great for weight loss. Got some extra baby weight, or some love handles that grew while you sat in your cubicle or fancy office, typing away at your computer? Exercise is a number one way to help that flab to melt away. But the benefits of exercise far exceed burning calories and fat...

According to the Mayo Clinic, in addition to helping control weight, exercise combats health conditions and diseases, improves your mood, boosts energy, promotes better sleep, puts the spark back in your sex life, and can be just plain fun. (For more information, see this article).

Who couldn't use these awesome benefits? Male or female, rich or poor, fat or thin, old or young--exercise is good for everyone!

So get out there and choose exercise. Choose life!

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