So where am I in the world of weight loss?
I am finishing up my 5th round of HCG. It's not really my favorite diet. It's really not. I mean, I do love it. I do feel amazing. I do lose a lot of weight. People say it doesn't really work, that you don't really feel great while you're on it, that it's just a big fake. But well--I am now exactly 116 pounds less than I was when I started HCG a year and a half ago. So--whatever. It has worked for me. It has not taken away my personal struggles with food. It has not cured me of my LOVE for all things super delicious and very bad for you. I still love it. But I can say that I have learned a lot and changed some pretty big things about myself. For example, in the past year I have had fast food only twice, and same thing with soda. (I do not count Subway as fast food, because when I go to Subway I only get the healthy sandwiches). I don't miss those things AT ALL. And even though I've slid backward a few times, I've still made the overall progress that has lead me here, to a 116 pound loss. So maybe it's a placebo. Maybe it doesn't really work. I can't say for anybody else, but for me it's been fine.
Still, it's not my preferred diet plan. And by "diet" I don't mean weight loss, I mean daily food intake. To tell you the truth, I have never seen a weight loss/diet plan that I agree with more than Weight Watchers. Funny that I've never officially joined, right? Weight Watchers does not cut anything out of the diet, so you don't have to feel deprived, and they give a good plan to live by that fits what you should eat into a simple, doable, structured plan. (And believe me, I need structure. Bad things happen when I'm left to my own devices).
Anyway, I'm really excited because I have decided to join WW in September.
Why so long?
Well...because I have 2 weeks left on HCG, then 3 weeks to maintain my weight. Then I hope to do another 10 day juice fast--just because it's time again, I want to do that quarterly. After that we're having family in town for a week, and then a week after that we are leaving for California for two weeks. Then we come home and do a short little round of HCG (the husband wants to do it, and he absolutely can't do it alone, he'd cave in a day or two). And since I don't think it's fair to be going to WW meetings while I'm on HCG, I'm going to wait until September.
Meanwhile, after this current round of HCG, I will be eating the WW diet. My mom just joined, and I figured out how many points I'm supposed to have and all that. So even though I won't officially be a member of WW, I will be following their plan. And I'm SO excited about it. I'm excited to have a wide variety of things I can eat, and have it within a structured and controlled plan. And I love that fruits and vegetables are zero points. I look forward to watermelon season where I can eat a huge bowl of watermelon cubes for ZERO points, without worrying about eating too much. I look forward to eating a huge salad, where the only points that will count are the dressing, and anything I add in like olives or black beans. I love me a huge salad.
And I look forward to the accountability that I will get with WW. I plan to stay on it all the way to my goal and perhaps for the rest of my life. Because I have enough experience to know that if I want to maintain weight loss, I'm going to have to have the structure and accountability.
So there you have it. I wish it were September already!
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