Monday, May 21, 2012

Daily Food Log 5/21

Today was a whole lot better.

It started out with working out for an hour and a half. 50 minutes with Jillian, 40 minutes with Cathe. =) That added up to 8 activity points.

For breakfast...well, I skipped it because we left as soon as the older boys got on the bus for school. We drove out to the Honda place to pick up our license plates, and then we went over to Home Depot, and then Costco. At Costco I let myself try some samples (it's been a really, really long time, people). The first one was greek yogurt with some honey. Because of the honey I only ate about half the sample and gave the rest to Jared. The other one was a little piece of pepper jack cheese, which I loved because it was loaded with flavor. That was pretty much it for the samples. But then I did take a bite of one of the hot dogs we got them for lunch. I really have no idea how many points all that added up to, but I went ahead and counted it as 5.

When we got home, I sauteed up the rest of my squash and zucchini--my usual yummy zero point lunch vegetable.

0 points

I also had a baked potato with salt and pepper, greek yogurt (thank you Costco) and green onions. Dang it was good, I think I'll have it tomorrow, too.

6 points

In the afternoon I had watermelon and string cheese for a snack.

4 points

Before dinner I went out in the garage and knocked out a 35 minute Gilad aerobics DVD, earning myself another 4 activity points. And then I was too tired to do what it would take to chop up the salad veggies, so I skipped that part of my plan and just ate a steak/pepper/onion/cheese thing. (Can't remember what it's called). You're supposed to fold it in half, but I like to eat it flat because I get more bites out of it that way.

8 points

And then for dessert (I know, I said I wasn't going to do dessert anymore, but I did) I had a fruit salad with bananas, strawberries, and zero point whipped cream. It was especially good because I added 4 points worth of chocolate chips. I really like the crunch they gave it, which is actually the thing that makes me keep running to the freezer for the cookie dough. So putting the choc. chips in the fruit salad was JUST the thing I needed. Completely satisfied me. I think next time I'll cut the chocolate chips in half (the serving, not the actual chips--LOL) so the dessert will only be 2 points.

4 points

27 points eaten. (Maybe 28 because I took a taste of the family's dinner).
12 points earned.

Not too shabby. =)

(And big thanks to my friend Laurie for suggesting the greek yogurt and giving me a good dessert idea!)

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