Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Best Feeling Ever

There have been times when I have been a rock star when it comes to exercising and taking care of my body. And those have been the happiest times of my life. As I have said before, there is just something so amazing about finishing a killer workout, sweat dripping everywhere, legs that feel like jelly. I think that is the best feeling ever.

I am at my happiest when I am regularly, consistently exercising. I am at my happiest when I challenge myself to push just a little harder than I did the day before, and when I accomplish amazing physical things.

Currently, I suppose I am still recovering from a major life upheaval. I don't like to think of it as an excuse, but maybe it is. I am working on figuring out why I let myself fall out of the exercise habit.

Why don't I just naturally fall into a new exercise routine despite all the changes and upheavals that happen in my life? (Being a military wife with 5 young kids--the upheavals aren't going to go away, my friends). With exercise, I have to make a major effort to work out how I'm going to get it done. It's not like doing the dishes or taking a shower--those are things that will get done every day, without fail, because I will have no inner peace otherwise.

I wish exercise were the same. I don't never exercise. But the exercise switch has been off a lot more than it has been on for the past several months.

I miss it. I need that energy back, that exhilaration that can only come from killing myself on a cardio machine or in front of a video. My body misses it, too. So do the clothes that hang in my closet that I can't wear right now. Curses. I'd better get on it!

I'll keep you posted.

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