Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Working In a Work Out

I used to be a school teacher. I was young, single, and busy. I'd get up super early to get ready for the half hour drive to work, then I'd work all day, and come home just in time to get ready for the social life. I had a lot of time to exercise during the summer, but during the school year it was very easy to make excuses. Let's face it, it was hard to find time to work in a work out! There were times when I'd be determined, and get up an extra hour and a half early to exercise, and let me tell you--those were the times I felt the best. I was healthier, more active, had better self-esteem, and I just enjoyed life a lot more.

Now I'm a stay-at-home mom with 5 kids, and believe it or not, life is busier for me now than it was when I worked. Again I struggle with having the discipline to get up early in the morning to work out, so that I can actually get something done without kids under my feet, or climbing on me during my floor work. My husband leaves for work very early, and I have a couple of little ones who do not handle child care in a gym. Believe me, I tried it. So for me, it's work out at home, super early, or not at all.

Whether your life is centered around a career, a family, or both, let's face it--it's not always easy to work in a workout! But we all need it.

At LifeSweat, the goal is to help you get what you need to be able to work in those work outs. Make some space in your home for some quality workout equipment, and make some room in your life for some serious sweat!

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